Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hypoallergenic Laundry Detergent Cleaning Tips

  • If you are washing an item for the first time, make sure you check the garment care label for instructions. Different materials usually have different requirements

  • Separate the dry dark or the brightly colored items when you first purchase them before washing. This is to allow the excess dye to bleed out and prevents the dye from being transferred onto your other clothes

  • If you have dark clothes, then try turning them inside out before placing in the washing machine. This prevents the colors on the shirt from fading away and pilling of the outer surfaces will be significantly reduced.

  • Some laundry detergents do not work well in both warm and cold water. In such cases, you will need to check the label or just test it out yourself. While hot water can increase solubility and prevent residue, it may not give you the best results as hot water tends to cause fading and damage to fabrics as compared to cooler water.

  • Pretreatment can help to clear stains more effectively. For daily washing, place light colored or white clothes in either warm or cool water. To get extra whitening, separate the whites and wash in warm water with addition of about half a cup of baking soda.

  • Dirtied clothes should not be washed together with the cleaner ones. This is to prevent heavy soils from transferring onto other items in the wash, thus causing the lighter colored or white clothes to appear dingy.

  • If you experience hard water or detergent residues, adding half a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle can reduce buildup in your washing machine as well as help to soften your clothes and keep their colors bright.

  • A 1/2 cup of white vinegar added to the rinse cycle will help soften your clothes, set colors and keep your clothes bright. It will also help remove any detergent or hard water residues and help keep your washing machine clean by removing buildup.


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